金融援助 & 奖学金

国家类型 & 联邦援助

大学有三种基本的资金来源:助学金和奖学金、贷款、 and Federal Work-study. Most students rely on a combination of these sources to finance 他们的教育.  通过完成FAFSA,你可以申请助学金,联邦勤工俭学, 和贷款.  奖学金 need to be 应用 for separately.  Please view our scholarship page for additional information on scholarships.  For a complete description of federal student financial assistance, please see 学生指南.

Grants and 奖学金

Grants and 奖学金 do not need to be repaid.

联邦佩尔助学金是由联邦政府提供的一项基于需求的助学金 没有获得学士学位的本科生.  每个学生的 奖学金是根据家庭情况和学费决定的. 后 联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)已提交给教育部 向您发送学生援助报告(SAR),表明您是否符合佩尔资格.

的 Oregon Opportunity Grant is a state grant administered by the Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) 并根据需要和允许的资金发放给俄勒冈州的本科生. Twelve terms of eligibility are possible. 的 grant is awarded to eligible students attending half-time or more. This grant is not available during summer term. 

的 Oregon Promise Grant  是否有州助学金可以帮助支付俄勒冈州社区大学的学费 for recent high school graduates and GED® test graduates. 学生 must 应用 during their senior 一年 or immediately after GED® test completion. 的 Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) is responsible for the awarding and administering of the program. 的延续 the program in future 一年s is contingent upon state funding.

俄勒冈部落学生助学金的设立是为了向符合条件的俄勒冈人提供助学金 tribal students to offset the 出勤费用 for attending eligible Oregon colleges and universities. Current continuing and new students are encouraged to 应用 for this grant for the 2022-2023 academic 一年. 的 grant is intended to cover the 在所有联邦和州助学金/奖学金之后,平均入学费用是 应用. 俄勒冈部落学生助学金目前只资助2022-2023学年 academic school 一年.  Renewal of the grant for following 一年s is dependent on funding 将由俄勒冈州立法机构分配给2023-2024学年.

联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)是一项联邦补助金 administered by the 博天堂官方 金融援助 Office. Funds are awarded to undergraduates 有佩尔资格和特殊的经济需要,由机构确定.

奖学金的来源多种多样,资格标准也各不相同. 在研究大学资金的各种来源时,鼓励学生 seek out sources that provide free services and information. Please contact the 博天堂官方 金融援助 Office for more scholarship information. 

More information on scholarships is available on our 奖学金的页面.


贷款 are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest.

To receive a loan, you must be 登记 at least 一半的时间.  Since the federal government 可能会补贴部分利息并允许延期付款, loans are regarded as financial aid.  Educational loans usually carry a low-interest 利率和提供宽限期,还款一般在六个月内开始 毕业后或至少有一半时间不上学.  两个主要的 博天堂官方的贷款类型是联邦直接贷款和联邦母贷款 Undergraduate 学生 (PLUS).

Federal Direct 贷款

联邦直接贷款是联邦政府借给你的贷款. 一个管理 费用可在发放贷款前从贷款金额中扣除. 的最大 基础贷款的年金额由联邦政府根据阶级设定 排名. 要被视为二年级学生,你必须完成至少45门课程 credits that are applicable to your major. Base loans may be either subsidized, unsubsidized, 或者两者结合,取决于学生确定的未满足需求.

Below are the annual maximums for Direct 贷款. Depending upon the amount of room 学生在出勤费用下,学生可能会或可能不会收到 这些全部的金额. 你的经济援助总额不能超过你的学费, which is prorated by term.

  Independent 学生 依赖学生
1年 基地贷款 $3500 $3500
未受资助的贷款 $6000 $2000
二年级 基地贷款 $4500 $4500
未受资助的贷款 $6000 $2000


Subsidized Direct Loan 是否以需求为基础,政府支付贷款利息,而你是 登记. 的 Unsubsidized Direct Loan is non-need based; you will be responsible for paying the interest while you are 登记. 你可以选择把利息加到本金中来推迟支付; this is called capitalization. Subsidized loans disbursed during the 2024-25 academic 一年 have a fixed interest 比率为6.53%. Unsubsidized loans also have a fixed interest 比率为6.53%. 你必须注册至少一半的时间,偿还开始六个月 after graduation or withdrawal.

student loan payment pause is extended until the U.S. Department of Education is permitted to implement the debt relief program or the litigation is resolved. 支付 will restart 60 days later. 如果债务减免计划没有实施,也没有提起诉讼 在2023年6月30日之前解决-付款将在60天后恢复. 借款人将 be notified before payments restart.

Borrowers are required to complete online Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) prior to receiving the loan funds. Entrance Counseling and MPN information is available from the 博天堂官方 金融援助 Office. 学生 who have already been awarded financial 在他们的WebRunner账户上帮助并接受贷款将收到一封电子邮件 the Entrance Counseling and MPN information.

对于直接补贴贷款,至少在你就读期间不会产生利息 一半的时间. 不过,六个月宽限期内的利息补贴已取消 for new subsidized loans made on or after July 1, 2012.

博天堂官方的新借款人有30天的延迟,这意味着他们无法获得贷款 funds until after 30 days during their first term of enrollment. 贷款 during subsequent terms may disburse at the regular time.

Loan disbursements must occur in equal disbursements. If a loan is certified for one-term 不过,第一次付款将在学期的第二周进行 subsequent disbursement will occur after the midpoint of the term.


本科生联邦父母贷款(PLUS)是一种联邦贷款 由家长代表受抚养学生协助支付教育费用. 家长可以借到由博天堂官方财务决定的就读费用 助学金办公室,减去学生可能获得的任何其他经济援助.

的 PLUS is a non-need based loan at a fixed interest rate of 9.2024-25年度为08% 一年. 贷款利息从第一次支付之日起向借款人收取 is made until the loan is paid in full. Repayment generally begins within 60 days after the final loan disbursement. 


Direct Loan Interest Rates for 2024-2025

下面的图表显示了直接补贴贷款和直接无补贴贷款的利率 贷款和直接PLUS贷款在2024年7月1日或之后以及7月之前首次发放 1, 2025.

贷款类型 固定利率
Direct Subsidized 贷款 and Unsubsidized
贷款 for Undergraduate 学生
Direct 加上贷款 for Parents of Dependent
Undergraduate 学生


Federal Work-Study (FWS)

FWS funds must be earned

联邦勤工俭学(FWS)是联邦政府提供的一项基于需求的计划 to qualifying students 登记 in at least six credits. 学生 awarded FWS need 确保在校园里找到一份工作,并努力获得最高奖金. 的最大 奖励金额只是学生在一个学期能赚到的最多的钱 represent what each student will receive. 学生 will receive paychecks based on their hourly wage and the hours they worked.

Once you have been awarded FWS, please visit our 勤工助学的页面 for instructions on how to proceed.

我如何获得FWS? 学生 who marked on the FAFSA that they are interested in FWS 如果他们符合资格并且资金充足,是否会将其添加到奖励包中. 不幸的是,FWS的资金非常有限,通常很早就用完. 最大化 你获得FWS的潜力,完成博天堂官方的所有步骤 金融援助 Process 早期. 当额外的资金可用时,博天堂官方财政援助办公室将 在本网站的主页和竹竹馆附近张贴公告. 学生 是否需要按照公告中的指示亲自填写申请 在发布当天. All awards will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.